Our goal is to build up an archive of cases with enough breadth and depth to give residents a good taste of paediatric imaging. It is also important that the cases on this site maintain a consistent structure, so as to provide the best learning experience. The images that you submit are owned by you, but will be made available to other users under the Creative Commons license (see our term of use). You will also have ownership of the text-content of the case (see our term of use), although the final published text is subject to an editorial review. Please email your cases using the format below:
Send to: aospr.org@gmail.com
Subject: COTD <– [Please leave this as the subject of your email].
Title: [The title should not reveal the final diagnosis, although it may include patient demographic, presenting complaint or salient imaging findings that would differentiate it from other cases]
Contributor: [Your name]
Institution: [Name of your hospital]
- This is a short statement that shows why the patient presented to your institution. It should reveal some demographics such as age and gender and also any relevant medical or surgical history that may help in image interpretation. Patient confidentiality must be maintained.
- Please include images that are relevant to the case. Although there is technically no limit to the amount of images you send, we would recommend an upper limit of 12 images. Recommended resolution is a standard image (e.g. axial CT or chest radiograph) is a maximum of 600 x 600 pixels.
- The images must be de-identified
- A short description of all the images provided. This should mimic a radiology report with appropriate use or medical and radiological terminology. A different description should be provided for each different modality provided.
- It is important for CT and MRI images that the sequence and phase are provided in the findings.
- A short list of differential diagnoses that are relevant to your case.
- This is the final diagnosis. It is helpful to indicate how the diagnosis was made: e.g. via histological confirmation or a confirmatory study.
- You do not have to provide a complete write-up of your final diagnosis and probably unnecessary to regurgitate information that is easily available on other websites. Instead, the idea of the discussion is to provide a list of ‘key learning points’, ‘learning pearls’ or ‘tips and tricks’ that can be used to troubleshoot other similar cases. An easy starting point is to tell the readers how you narrowed down the differential list above. Advancement and new research can also be included in this segment.
- A list of keywords that will help people find your case. It may be a salient finding, a diagnosis, a modality or anything unique about your case.
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